Search Results
Four plausible scenarios for the future (Webinar 4: Foresight project series)
The usefulness of foresight for improved pandemic preparedness (Webinar 1: Foresight project series)
Foresight: Innovation Analysis and Scenario Planning for the Future
Using the Future: Strategic Foresight & Futures Literacy
The global trends that are shaping our world (Webinar 2: Foresight project series)
Creating scenarios: A brief introduction, Doris Viljoen. ADA Webinar 4: 12 May 2021
WHO epidemic and pandemic foresight initiative
Learn with IFTF: Foresight Essentials from Jan 19, 2022
WEBINAR:Foresight & Futures Thinking-Scenario Development in a Time of Crisis- Expert Morne Mostert
Webinar 7: Future foresight - tips and tools to plan for uncertainty
Caribbean Foresight Scenarios
Webcast: Strategic Foresight - Future robust decisions with scenario management